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Our website is a valuable resource, which provides unique content to inspire professionals on the publishing journey. Learn how to design, format, and edit a manuscript. Whether a website visitor is a do-it-yourself publisher or an established corporation, Michelkin has in-depth guides on how to take a book from concept to completion.

Following the initial concept, writers participate in a developmental editing process to enhance the book’s organization and structure. A copy-editor reviews the book line by line to correct punctuation and grammar. Design professionals enhance the exterior and interior, and our content provides valuable suggestions for fine-tuning the writing project.


If a writer is not sure where to turn for help, they may access our content for professional guidance. From online freelance platforms to established design businesses, our recommendations guide creatives to the help they need to complete a literary masterpiece.

Our team provides step-by-step support through industry thought-leadership articles and creative content designed to help our target market succeed.


While we are not attorneys, and our content is not legal advice, the website does provide readers with an understanding of the complex legal issues affecting the writing and publishing market. From highlighting new book markets about complex legal issues to understanding the need for contracts, this is the resource for information about writing and publishing.